Julian Wüst: Insights into the world of a triathlete

"Regeneration is extremely important for me. Regeneration should definitely be given a lot of attention, especially with high training volumes! Only those who regenerate well can perform well!"

Quick Facts

Julian is enthusiastic about

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Julian in an interview

1. what sport do you do and how did you get into it?

Triathlon. It all started with a crazy New Year's resolution. At the end of 2022, my previous sport, weight training, became too monotonous for me, which is why I was longing for a new challenge. Then came the decision to do an Ironman!

2. what makes your sport special?

For me, it's the challenge of training and optimizing three completely different disciplines. In my opinion, this diversity can only be found in very few sports!

3. what has been your greatest sporting success to date?

Unfortunately none yet! But I'm on the verge of achieving my first personal success in sport!

4. what is your hobby outside of sport?

Sport is actually my absolute passion and I would love to do nothing but sport all day. If café hopping counts as a hobby, I would consider that my hobby.

5. how do you deal with the "hole" after a big competition?

Consciously take a break. You've been working towards a goal for a long time and now is the time to regenerate and recharge your batteries. Basically, I would say: just consciously live through the hole!

Fun Facts

Everything about recovery

1. What does perfect regeneration look like for you?

Healthy and restful sleep is absolutely the key to perfect regeneration. This is supported by a healthy and nutritious diet. But Reboots can also be perfectly regenerated in a busy everyday life!

2. When do you prefer to use your Reboots?

Directly after sport and/or in the evening to wind down!

3. How important is "regeneration" to you?

Extremely important. Regeneration should definitely be given a lot of attention, especially with high training volumes! Only those who regenerate well can perform well!

4. what are your top 3 tips and tricks for preparing for training and subsequent regeneration?

1. Healthy and nutritious diet, 2. Music as a motivational booster, 3. Stretching, Reboots, sleep

5. how did you find out about Reboots back then?

Via social media. I saw all the athletes using Reboots there!

6. what do you do while you're in Reboots?

I either study for my degree on the side or enjoy the time to take a break and maybe not have to think about anything for once!

7. what does the perfect day look like for you?

Getting up. Good coffee (very important). Have breakfast and then preferably be on the bike all day in the best weather. Pizza and a good movie in the evening. Dreamlike!

8. what else would you like to pass on to the Reboots community?

Just one question that has often made me wonder. How do you know that a certain thing is not for you even though you've never tried it? Just start with it and see where the journey takes you!