Regeneration control plays a central role in ambitious endurance and team sports and has
has become increasingly important for success and failure in recent years.
In Germany alone, three renowned universities have tried to research "the perfect regeneration concept" as part of the RegMan project in the last ten years. However, it turned out that there is “no one-size-fits-all”.
Regeneration is highly individual and must always be controlled in a way that is specific to the athlete and the situation. But for consistent world-class performance, the scientists were able to identify a few pillars of recovery.
dr Lutz Graumann has compiled these results for you in the 360° recovery protocol:
1. Flush ride on the spinning bike/ergometer
2. Breathing technique
3. Compression therapy with reboots
4. Cold baths
5. Foam Rolling or Static Stretching
6. Recovery shake
After training or competition, the magic of regeneration begins. So that the pH value can quickly return to normal in the worn-out muscles, the protocol starts with a warm-down – a targeted post-exercise to stimulate blood circulation again, but without representing a training stimulus.
Duration: 9 mins
Flush ride on the spinning bike:
- 3 minutes more strenuous with high wattage and low cadence of 30-50 rpm
- 2 minutes easy spin (approx. 120-150 W with a high cadence of 90 rpm)
- 2 minutes on high
Wattage with low cadence of 30-50 rpm
- 2 minutes easy spin (approx.
120-150 W with high cadence 90 rpm

regeneration breathing
Optimizing regeneration just by changing your breathing sounds almost too good to be true. But what may sound unusual at first has been practiced in Ayurvedic medicine and in Asian cultures for thousands of years.
The basic principles are quickly explained. If you want to shut down the autonomic nervous system and thus reduce stress, you only need to follow two basic rules for breathing:
1. Inhaling and exhaling through the nose only.
2. The exhalation must be longer than the inhalation.

Breathing techniques can also help you fall asleep better! You can read more about it in our blog article.
Duration of time: 15-20 minutes
Compression therapy with reboots
In addition to active recovery methods such as a nutritious diet or stretching exercises, the mechanical massage of the Recovery Boots contributes to a performance-enhancing regeneration phase.
The different programs enable various positive regeneration effects - from relaxing the muscles and redistributing the lactate to an optimized lymphatic drainage.
The results of a Reboots session are primarily anti-inflammatory and muscle recovery mechanisms, such as reducing the drop in performance and relieving muscle soreness. As a result, athletes who incorporate reboots into their recovery routine can increase their training volume with a reduced risk of injury and discomfort.
Incidentally, the regeneration breathing described above can be excellently integrated into the reboots session, which can also support regeneration.

Duration: 12 minutes
cold baths
Cold can heal. So-called cold baths are particularly popular after strenuous competitions in the heat of the moment – often in a large barrel of ice water. During intensive training, a so-called microtrauma occurs in the muscle. This means that small injuries are provoked in the muscle tissue. In the course of the regeneration phase, a local inflammatory reaction then occurs, which initiates the repair of the damaged tissue. However, it is precisely this reaction that is supposed to be prevented by the ice bath. The cold slows down the entire cell metabolism and suppresses inflammatory reactions.
Because the blood vessels contract during this cold water immersion due to the extreme cold of the ice water (vasoconstriction), the muscles that have just performed work are deprived of blood. As soon as the athlete leaves the bath, the capillaries open and oxygen-rich blood can flow back into the muscle. This can speed healing, improve muscle function and reduce muscle damage. All of this is confirmed by studies from Loughborough University in Scotland.

Duration of time: 15-20 minutes
Foam Rolling
With a self-massage, you can shorten the recovery time after training or a competition and make sore muscles less severe. This special rolling cure works through the combination of pressure and movement. Rolling not only reduces muscle tone, but also shifts muscles and fascia against each other, making them supple. Alternatively, static stretching for about 15-20 minutes is also suitable. You can work with tools such as a stretch band.

Frullati di recupero
If you want to get fit again quickly after exercising, you should replenish your fluid and carbohydrate stores after exercise and "feed" your muscles with protein so that they can regenerate faster. Studies show that mixing carbohydrates with protein improves both muscle growth and muscle glycogen storage.
Recovery shakes are a time-saving, inexpensive, and delicious alternative to other high-quality protein and carbohydrate sources. They provide your body with an instant boost of nutrients, like muscle building and repair protein, as well as
energy-giving carbohydrates and of course the sweated liquid. Many endurance athletes such as cyclists or runners take such a shake directly after their training sessions and competitions - even before they get out of their sweaty clothes.
When choosing the protein powder, make sure that no sweeteners have been added. It is best to buy pure egg whites or ones that are only sweetened with regular table sugar or cane sugar.

dr Lutz Grauman
dr Lutz Graumann is a doctor specializing in sports medicine, chirotherapy and nutritional medicine. His focus is on promoting individual performance.