Optimum training and recovery for all kinds of runners
Overtraining and overloading in running
Training right
Are you a passionate runner, perhaps preparing for a marathon or a half marathon, enjoy a trail running adventure or simply enjoy your regular job? In either case, you will certainly be aware of the challenges that intensive training poses. It is important not to run when you're unwell, e.g. when you have a cold or fever, as it can lead to serious issues. One of the biggest risks for runners is that of overloading. What exactly is overloading, and how is it different from overtraining?

Overloading vs. overtraining
- Overloading occurs when you load or stress your body more than it is used to for a brief period. This can lead to fatigue, muscle soreness and a temporary decrease of performance. Various types of physical stress and exhaustion, such as muscle fatigue through depleted glycogen stores and the role of oxidative stress, can play a role in this. However, with sufficient recovery, your body can be in a position to regenerate itself quickly and come back stronger.
- Overtraining on the other hand is the result of chronic overload without adequate regeneration. It concerns a serious condition, which may lead to prolonged tiredness, loss of performance, disturbed sleep and even psychological problems. Overtraining often requires a break from training, lasting several weeks to several months, to be able to heal completely.

Overloading in running: causes and prevention
Overloading is a common problem in running, which can occur with new runners as well as experienced runners. We have just explained the difference with respect to overtraining. However, as overloading plays a big role in running, we will be giving you some tips on how you can prevent overloading, and explaining to you why it happens so frequently in the first place.
Pain, fatigue and drop in performance due to an overload
Common causes
- Unrealistic goals: Many runners set ambitious goals for themselves, be it the first marathon, a half marathon with better timing or achieving a new personal record. While these goals are motivating, they can quickly and easily lead to overloading, if they are pursued without a well thought-out plan.
- Increasing the training intensity excessively: A common mistake that is especially made by beginner runners is to increase the running distance and intensity too quickly. Our body requires time to get used to the new load. Without adequate recovery, it can lead to overloading.
- Insufficient or lacking regeneration: Many runners, especially those who are highly motivated, neglect the aspect of regeneration. Without regular breaks and targeted recovery, the body is overloaded for a long term, and the performance drops.
- Lack of feedback: Ignoring the signals given by the body is another cause. Pain, fatigue and drop in performance are clear signs that the body needs a break. Many runners however tend to ignore these signals, and carry on with the training.

How to prevent overloading
- Set realistic goals: Set achievable goals and give yourself adequate time to achieve them. A trainer can help you prepare a custom training plan for you, which increases your performance gradually, thereby preventing overloading.
- Progressive increase: Increase your training gradually and continuously. A rule of the thumb is to not increase the training volume per week by more than 10%. This allows your body enough time to adapt and recover optimally.
- Plan regeneration: Plan regular regeneration days, and make sure to give your body adequate time for recovery after intensive training sessions. Use passive regeneration techniques like massages and compression massage devices, to aid with the recovery.
- Listen to your body: Pay attention to signals given by your body, and act accordingly. Pain and fatigue are warning signs that you should not ignore. In case of persistent pain, it is advisable to visit a doctor or a physiotherapist.
- Monitor training: Use training apps or devices to monitor your training and to document your progress. This will help you plan your training better and prevent overloading.
- Appropriate clothing and sensible running shoes: Wearing the right gear plays a significant role in preventing overloading. Wear suitable, breathable clothes, which wick away sweat and ensure a pleasant body temperature. However, particularly important are well-fitting running shoes, which suit your running style and your needs. A professional running analysis can help you find the right shoe for you, which offers adequate shock absorption and stability, thereby reducing the risk of injury.
By preventing overloading, you can increase your performance in the long term and minimise the risk of injury. A well thought-out training plan, adequate regeneration and the right feedback are decisive to stay healthy and successful while pursuing running.
Recovery is everything
The importance of regeneration
One thing is certain: Regeneration is not only a fancy extra thing to do, but an integral part of every training plan. The ability of muscles to regenerate and to perform under oxidative stress is crucial. Irrespective of whether you're running a marathon or half marathon, trail running or regular jogging, the right regeneration allows your body to recover from the overloading, your muscles to repair and strengthen as well as to support your immune system. It helps in preventing injuries and ensures that you continue to deliver high performance over a long term.

Regeneration techniques
It is important to warm yourself up thoroughly before a run, and to have a well thought-out training plan so as to prevent injuries and improve your performance.
Moreover, there are many methods to aid the regeneration, which fall under two categories: active and passive regeneration.
Active vs. passive regeneration
Tips for runners
Active Regeneration
- Low-intensity activities: Easy running, swimming or cycling promote blood circulation and help reduce muscle soreness. While jogging, new runners should ensure to prevent overexertion, and focus on a correct running technique, so as to prevent common mistakes.
- Stretching and yoga: Regular stretching and yoga improve flexibility, and help release muscle tension.
- Nutrition: A balanced nutrition plan with adequate intake of protein, carbs and healthy fats aid regeneration, and provide your body with the necessary nutrients.
Passive Regeneration
- Massages: Regular massages promote blood circulation, release tension and aid muscle regeneration.
- Ice and heat applications: Alternating ice and heat applications can help reduce inflammation, and promote healing.
- Sleep: Sufficient sleep is paramount in recovery. Ensure that you get at least 7-8 hours of sleep every night.
Special regeneration packages for runners
Our insider tip
Our devices offer targeted massage, which improves blood circulation and accelerates recovery after intensive training sessions or races. This technology is particularly useful for runners, who wish to train regularly, and long for a relaxed and soothing method of regeneration, and take their performance to a whole new level.
To offer you the best possible support in regeneration, we have compiled a special Running-Bundle for runners. This Bundle includes:
- Reboots One with Pants 2.0: Our compression massage devices, which regenerate your legs optimally after training.
- Thermo Sleeve and Thermo Longsleeve: These products are equipped with integrated Thermogel, and offer cold as well as heat treatments. They help in case of injuries, inflammation and bruising, and have a pain relieving and soothing effect.
- Backpack: Practical and stylish, ideal for carrying your regeneration equipment along.
Whether you're preparing for your first marathon, are already running half marathons, loves the challenges of trail running or simply enjoy jogging, the right balance between training and regeneration is crucial for your success and overall health. Pay particular attention to prevention of overtraining and give your body the much-needed breaks. With products by Reboots, we support you in optimising regeneration and tapping your full potential.
So, are you ready to elevate your regeneration to the next level? Take a look at our special Runners-Bundle and get started!