
FC Barcelona & Golden Boy Winners 2021

Frederic Funk

Triathlon talent on the rise

More about Fred

German Handball Federation

Official supplier of the DHB


Thibaut Baronian

Over hill and dale with fresh legs

More about Thibaut

Anne Haug

"I am absolutely blown away and amazed"

More about Ann

Olympic base NRW/Rhineland

Official OSP promoter

More about the OSP

Sheila Aviles Castano

Dank frischer beine bereit für neue trails

Mehr über Sheila

Anna Donauer

Crossfit & Regeneration WORLDWIDE!

More about Anna

Dr. Philip Lübke

Handball und Medizin in Kombination!

Mehr über Dr. Lübke

Ben Mansour

"Return to Sport"-Experte

Mehr über Ben

Lena Erdil


David Palacio


Justine Wezel

Downhill MTB

Reboots: Delfina Brea, jugadora de Pádel y embajadora de la presoterapia deportiva

Dolphina Brea


Sebastian Silva Gomez

american football

Reboots: Bruna jugadora del FC Barcelona femení embajadora de la presoterapia deportiva

Bruna Vilamala

Soccer – FC Barcelona & Spain National Team

Steffi Marth

BMX and mountain bike cyclist - multiple German champion

Manon Veenstra


Anna Donauer

Crossfit – Fittest Austrian 2020

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