We all know the ugly visit the day after a hard training session - hello sore muscles! But how and why does sore muscles develop in the first place?

Loss of strength, pain, muscle tension, stiffness and swelling - typical symptoms of sore muscles that every athlete knows. Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS) is an undesirable side effect of intense exercise. It is often the result of unfamiliar and predominantly eccentric exercises, such as B. downhill. Pain and disability typically peak immediately after exercise or within the first 48 hours, with full recovery generally taking more than 5 days for severe muscle soreness. The extent of the injury or damage to the muscle is often dependent on the original training condition.

What happens in our muscles during this time?

How should training and regeneration be related in terms of time?

What are the consequences of neglecting regeneration?

It is not without reason that leading sports scientists and sports physicians are of the opinion that the Tour de France is not won by the professional cyclist who rides the best bike, but rather by the one who regenerates best.

Because by the second of the three-week race at the latest, the drivers are exhausted and no longer able to deliver their absolute top performance. They then get on their bikes already tired. This becomes visible in the changed blood values ​​with increased inflammation markers, lower hematocrit and iron values, increased occurrence of gastrointestinal and respiratory tract infections and a "sluggish" heart rate.


Dra. Lutz Graumann


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