Svenja Sommer Reboots Ambassador

Svenja Sommer: Summer in the name, summer in the heart.

Svenja Sommer Reboots ambassador
"Do not underestimate the importance of 'regeneration' for athletic performance - both on a physical and psychological level."

Quick Facts

Svenja Sommer Reboots Ambassador

Svenja is excited about

Reboots Go Lite Pants Set

To the Reboots Go Lite Pants Set

Interview to Svenja

1. What sport do you practice and how did you get into it?
I'm a middle-distance runner, competing in the 1500m and 800m events. Originally, gymnastics was my main sport. There, I noticed that I could actually run quite well :) At around 8 years old, I joined the athletics group at my local club. Over time, my focus shifted from gymnastics to athletics. Initially, I tried various disciplines - from sprints to (long) hurdles, and even long jump, I enjoyed many different events... except for the throwing disciplines, I could never really warm up to those. At the age of 17, it became clear to me that the middle-distance area suited me best :)

2. What makes your sport special?
I think many runners would agree that tough tempo runs are a true love-hate relationship. The training is very demanding and tough, but it also creates a great incentive. Overcoming one's inner demons time and time again, and pushing through the session despite tired legs and bad weather, I believe, teaches much more than just running fast: it cultivates endurance, perseverance, willpower, and more. And the best part is: when it's done, you feel great.

3. What has been your biggest sporting achievement so far?
After achieving 4th and 5th place at the German Championships in the 800m and 1500m events during my youth, I landed sixth in the indoor season of 2024 in the senior category. Additionally, I have already won several medals at the South German Championships.

4. How do you deal with the "slump" after a big competition?
I give myself a small window of time to allow for a transitional phase. Then, it's important for me to quickly set myself a new goal (e.g., a competition) to work towards. This increases motivation and focus.

5. What is your favorite hobby besides your sport?
Besides my main sport, I actually love trying out other sports: tennis, volleyball, basketball, dancing, cycling, hiking, spikeball, and more. Through my sports studies, I have also come into contact with many different sports. Outside of sports, I love creatively decorating various types of bowls (and then, of course, sharing them on Instagram). Content creation in general is something I really enjoy.

Fun Facts

Svenja Sommer Reboots Ambassador

Everything about recovery

1. What does perfect recovery look like for you?
Perfect recovery for me is something that can be done from anywhere, without depending on others (e.g., physios), and without significant effort or pain.

2. When do you prefer to use your Reboots?
I prefer to use my Reboots before and after training and competitions. To loosen up my muscles before training or competition, I like to use the Reboots about 1 hour before starting the workout. Here, I choose a lower intensity level. After training or competition, I use the Reboots for recovery, often opting for higher intensity levels.

3. How important is the topic of "recovery" to you?
Recovery is very central to me. With daily training sessions, I rely on recovering as well and quickly as possible. Otherwise, I cannot complete my sessions as desired.

4. What are your top 3 tips and tricks for preparing for training and subsequent recovery?
1. Aligning nutrition and fluid intake in the hours leading up to training. Training on an empty stomach or with a very full stomach is not enjoyable.

2. Previewing the training session beforehand and mentally preparing for it... as well as getting into the zone with a favorite motivational playlist :)

3. Taking sufficient time for cooldown and recovery-promoting measures to minimize muscle soreness, etc.

5. What do you do while using the Reboots?
It varies - if I'm with company, I enjoy chatting. Otherwise, I often eat, scroll through social media a bit, or answer messages and emails. Sometimes, I just relax a bit.

6. What does an optimal day look like for you?
Sunshine and >30°C, of course :) I would sleep in until around 8:30 am and then start the day with an easy run at the beach with my running buddies. Afterwards, we would prepare a delicious smoothie bowl. Then, it's off to the beach. In the afternoon, we would do a track workout and then go to a tasty bowl restaurant. In the evening, we would watch the sunset at the beach.

Svenja Sommer Reboots Ambassador
Svenja Sommer Reboots Ambassador
Svenja Sommer Reboots ambassador