Sports press therapy: Answering your questions for optimal recovery

Sports press therapy has become an important ally for athletes of all performance levels, whether amateur or professional. Its ability to accelerate muscle recovery and improve performance makes it an increasingly sought-after and necessary tool for anyone looking to enhance their results and avoid common injuries. But what questions usually arise? In this article, we answer the most common questions about sports press therapy so you can make the most of it and recover optimally after a workout or competition.

What is sports press therapy?

Sports press therapy is a recovery technique that involves the application of sequential pressure using boots or full-length pants that inflate according to specific recovery programs. These garments apply pressure to the limbs, promoting lymphatic drainage and venous circulation. This helps to eliminate accumulated toxins, reduce inflammation, and speed up muscle recovery.

What are the benefits of sports press therapy?

  • Improves muscle recovery: Press therapy helps eliminate lactic acid and other waste products that accumulate in the muscles after exercise, leading to faster recovery and reduced muscle soreness.
  • Reduces inflammation: The pressure exerted by the boots or pants helps to decrease muscle and joint inflammation, relieve pain, and improve mobility.
  • Prevents injuries: Press therapy helps maintain muscle flexibility and reduce tension, which prevents muscle injuries. This means cost savings as you will need to visit a physiotherapist less frequently.
  • Enhances sports performance: By accelerating recovery and reducing fatigue, press therapy allows athletes to train more intensely and frequently, thus improving their overall performance.
  • Removes toxins: Press therapy promotes lymphatic drainage, helping to eliminate toxins accumulated in the body and improving overall well-being.

Who can benefit from sports press therapy?

Sports press therapy is beneficial for athletes of all levels, from amateurs to professionals. It doesn’t matter what sport you practice, as Reboots offers a wide range of accessories for lower or upper limbs. It can also be useful for people who perform intense physical activities or suffer from mild circulatory problems.

Which sports can benefit from sports press therapy?

The list of sports that can benefit from sports press therapy is endless, but here are some of the most prominent:

  • Running
  • Cycling
  • Padel
  • Triathlon
  • Crossfit
  • Tennis
  • Marathon
  • Football
  • Skiing
  • Mountain biking

How often can sports press therapy be done?

The frequency of press therapy sessions depends on your individual needs and the intensity of your training. It is recommended to conduct sessions of 20 to 30 minutes 2 or 3 times a week, especially during periods of intense training or recovery from injuries. However, you can use press therapy every time after a workout. If the training was very demanding, you can increase the duration of use.

Which REboots press therapy program is best for recovery?

We recommend preparing your muscles with low pressure and program B initially. After about 10 minutes, you can begin your recovery session with program A and increased pressure. End your session with program C and slightly less pressure to calm your muscles and finish with a feeling of freshness and lightness in your legs.

What pressure is best for recovery?

The pressure is very individual, as each person can tolerate different levels of pressure, and this is highly variable. The general rule is that you should not feel any pain during the press. You should feel the pressure but never experience pain.

Does sports press therapy have contraindications?

Sports press therapy is not recommended for:

  • - Pregnancy
  • - Deep vein thrombosis (DVT)
  • - Acute infections
  • - Severe kidney or heart failure
  • - Open skin wounds

Can sports press therapy be applied at home?

Yes, Reboots offers sports press therapy devices for home use, with or without a battery. However, it is important to consult a doctor or physiotherapist before starting to use a press therapy device, especially if you have a pre-existing medical condition. There are undoubtedly many benefits to using press therapy at home, such as saving time and money by not having to travel to physiotherapy centers.

What should I consider when buying a sports press therapy device?

If you are thinking of purchasing a sports press therapy device for home use, consider these factors:

  • Size and fit: Choose a device that fits your legs or limbs properly. Reboots' Pants 2.0 are the best choice, as you can adjust them maximally with their 6 zippers to achieve the best results.
  • Pressure modes: Choose a device that allows you to adjust the intensity of the pressure. With the Reboots Go X, you can adjust the pressure of each of the 16 available chambers.
  • Preset programs: Some devices come with preset programs for different goals. You can even program your own recovery sequences with the Reboots app and the Go Lite, Go X, and One Pro devices.
  • Brand and warranty: Choose a recognized brand that offers a proper warranty. At REboots, we offer a 2-year warranty and the assurance of a quality product made in Germany. With Reboots, you will have a press therapy device for many years.

Tips for an optimal sports press therapy session:

  • Conduct the press therapy session after training or physical activity.
  • Make sure your skin is clean and dry before putting on the garments.
  • Drink plenty of water before and after the session.
  • Relax and avoid any exertion during the session.


Sports press therapy is an effective and safe technique to accelerate muscle recovery, improve sports performance, and prevent injuries. If you are an athlete looking to optimize your training and results, press therapy can be an ideal addition to your routine. Reboots is your best choice to achieve the best balance between price and quality.