In December 2018 the Ice Hockey World Championship U20 Division I took place in Füssen. There, the German national players were examined and monitored around the clock by the University of Bochum. Throughout the preparation and tournament, for the first time, the principle of recovery boots was applied to the system of reboots under the professional guidance of Dr. Lutz Graumann and Dipl. SpoWI. Marcel Andrä used.

Recovery Boots work through the systematic and controlled application of pulsating pressure through inflatable arm, leg and pant cuffs. The rhythmic inflation of external cuffs increases venous and arterial blood flow. The compression, i.e. the exertion of circular pressure on the extremities, is intended to accelerate the first phase of regeneration.

Scientific base

Reboots: Equipo de presoterapia profesional One Pro, 12 cámaras independientes superpuestas, 8 programas de masaje, conexión bluetooth y App, con pants completos.
Reboots: Equipo de presoterapia profesional One Pro, 12 cámaras independientes superpuestas, 8 programas de masaje, conexión bluetooth y App, con pants completos.
Reboots: Programas de masaje de la presoterapia profesional One Pro.
Reboots: Persona de color, con camiseta gris recuperando con un equipo de presoterapia One Pro con Pants completos.
Reboots: Persona con barba y camiseta negra sentada recuperando con el equipo de presoterapia deportiva One Pro.
Reboots: Deportista con gorra blanca y camiseta negra, sentado en un banco recuperando con la presoterapia deportiva One Pro.
Reboots: Deportista con gorra blanca y camiseta negra, sentado en un banco recuperando con la presoterapia deportiva One Pro.
Reboots One Pro
Regular price €2.199


How to measure size?

Size S/M:
Body height: 1.60 m - 1.80 m
Inside leg length: 65 - 84 cm

Size L:
Body height: 1.80 m - 2.00 m
Inside leg length: 85 - 98 cm

Free delivery - with you in 2-4 working days

Recovery is everything!

Long story short


dr Lutz Grauman


1. Accessed August 7, 2021.
2. "Intermittent pneumatic compression or graduated compression...." Accessed August 7, 2021.
3. "Intermittent Pneumatic Compression Technology for Sport...." Accessed 7 Aug 2021.
4. "Delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) - Physiopedia." Accessed 7 Aug 2021.
5. "Does intermittent pneumatic leg compression improve muscles...." 19 Apr 2013, Accessed 7 Aug 2021.
6. "Central Nervous System Lymphatic Vessels Discovered | National...." 15 Jun 2015, system. Accessed 7 Aug 2021.

[1] "JFMK | Free full text | Intermittent pneumatic compression and...." Accessed 7 Aug 2021.

[2] "Intermittent Pneumatic Compression and Cold Water Diving...." Accessed August 7, 2021.

[3] Delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) - Physiopedia." . Accessed 7 Aug 2021.

[4] "Does intermittent pneumatic leg compression improve muscles...." 19 Apr 2013, Accessed 7 Aug 2021.

[5] "Central Nervous System Lymphatic Vessels Discovered | National...." 15 Jun 2015, -system. Accessed 7 Aug 2021.